Showing 241–247 of 247 results
Vlassides Grifos 3 750ml
Vlassides Grifos 3 is a captivating rosé wine inspired by ancient geometry and the timeless art of winemaking.
The name "Grifos" refers to the three eternal conundrums of Ancient Greek mathematicians, depicted on the labels of this exquisite wine series.
Grifos 3 specifically represents the challenge of "Squaring the Circle," a nod
Vlassides Merlot 750ml
Discover the exceptional Vlassides Merlot, a refined wine from the renowned Vlassides Winery, nestled in the Karamanos area of Kilani.
This exquisite wine boasts a deep reddish-purple hue, indicative of its rich and velvety character. Ideal for those who appreciate quality and sophistication in every sip.
If you are looking for a
Vlassides Oroman 750ml
At Vlassides Winery, we pay homage to our rich heritage with Vlassides Oroman, a wine that encapsulates the essence of Cypriot culture.
The name itself, derived from the Cypriot dialect, signifies "vision" or "dream," reflecting our deep connection to the land and its history.
If you are looking for a specific year
Vlassides Sauvignon Blanc 750ml
Originating from the picturesque vineyards of Bordeaux, France, Vlassides Sauvignon Blanc embodies the epitome of white wine excellence</p>
Crafted with precision and passion, each sip encapsulates the essence of its rich heritage and meticulous craftsmanship.
If you are looking for a specific year release, please contact us to check for availability
Vlassides Shiraz 750ml
Indulge in the aristocratic essence of Vlassides Shiraz, a distinguished wine originating from the renowned Rhone Valley in southern France.
Cultivated with meticulous care in the sun-kissed vineyards of Cyprus, this wine embodies the epitome of excellence.
If you are looking for a specific year release, please contact us to check for
Whispering Angel Rosé 750ml 13%
Whispering Angel stands tall as the epitome of Provence rosé, setting a global standard for excellence.
Crafted from a harmonious blend of Grenache, Cinsault, and Rolle (Vermentino) grapes, its delicate hue beckons, promising a sensory journey like no other.
This beloved rosé boasts a palate that is both full-bodied and refreshingly dry,
YBY White Sparkling Alcohol Free Wine 750ml 0%
Indulge in the effervescent charm of YBY White Sparkling Alcohol-Free Wine, a sophisticated non-alcoholic beverage that promises a delightful celebration without the need for spirits.
Crafted with care, this sparkling drink offers a tingling sensation and a glamorous wink to your special moments.