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Burgo Viejo Blanco Rioja 750ml
Experience the vibrant and refreshing character of Burgo Viejo Blanco, a 100% Viura varietal crafted in the heart of Spain's Rioja region.With its bright straw-yellow color and fresh, balanced taste, this white wine captivates from the first pour.Known for a bouquet of green apple, subtle hay, and a touch of
Burgo Viejo Crianza Rioja 750ml
The Burgo Viejo Crianza is an elegant blend of Tempranillo and Graciano grapes, cultivated in the renowned La Rioja region.This wine reflects the rich winemaking tradition of Bodegas Burgo Viejo, showcasing the depth and character that Spanish wines are celebrated for.The Tempranillo grape offers a balanced structure and ripe fruitiness,
Burgo Viejo Gran Reserva Rioja 750ml
The Burgo Viejo Gran Reserva is an elegant, full-bodied red wine crafted exclusively from Tempranillo grapes in Spain’s renowned Rioja region.This wine offers a deep ruby-red hue with subtle russet undertones, showcasing the traditional character and quality of Rioja’s Gran Reserva style.With an aroma that combines roasted coffee beans, warm
Burgo Viejo Licenciado Reserva Rioja 750ml
Burgo Viejo Licenciado Reserva Rioja is a distinguished red wine crafted exclusively from premium Tempranillo grapes, renowned for their rich flavor and vibrant character.Hailing from the prestigious Rioja region of Spain, this wine embodies both the tradition and innovation that define modern Spanish winemaking.With careful aging in American and French
Burgo Viejo Reserva Rioja 750ml
Burgo Viejo Reserva is an exquisite red wine that showcases the rich viticultural heritage of Spain.Made primarily from Tempranillo grapes, alongside Graciano and Mazuelo, this wine reflects the artistry of winemaking in the Rioja region.It boasts a stunning ruby red color that captivates the eye, setting the stage for a
Burgo Viejo Rosado Rioja 750ml
Discover the vibrant Burgo Viejo Rosado, a rosé crafted entirely from the rich Tempranillo grape.This wine's stunning pink raspberry hue catches the eye, making it as visually appealing as it is flavorful.With an inviting aroma of fresh strawberries, the Burgo Viejo Rosado hints at delicate buttery notes, offering a delightful
Burgo Viejo Tinto Rioja 750ml
Indulge in the rich, vibrant flavors of Burgo Viejo Tinto, a celebrated Spanish red wine crafted from a blend of Tempranillo, Garnacha, and Mazuelo grapes.This wine is known for its deep violet hue, highlighted by crystal-clear brightness that reveals its quality.Burgo Viejo Tinto captivates with an aromatic profile rich in