Showing all 8 results
Tall Horse Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml
Discover the rich flavors of Tall Horse Cabernet Sauvignon, a distinguished red wine from South Africa's Western Cape.
Crafted from 100% Cabernet Sauvignon grapes, this wine offers a unique tasting experience.
It's perfect for both casual enjoyment and special occasions.
Tall Horse Chardonnay 750ml
Discover the allure of Tall Horse Chardonnay, a brilliant golden wine that captures the essence of South Africa's Coastal Region.
Crafted from 100% Chardonnay grapes, this wine offers a harmonious blend of tropical fruit flavors, subtle vanilla, and a refreshing citrus finish.
Tall Horse Merlot 750ml
Discover the allure of Tall Horse Merlot, a distinguished red wine from South Africa's Western Cape.
This 100% Merlot varietal captivates with its rich flavors and inviting aroma.
Crafted for both casual sippers and wine enthusiasts, it offers a delightful tasting experience.
Tall Horse Moscato 750ml
Indulge in the delightful experience of Tall Horse Moscato, a sweet white wine from South Africa's Western Cape.</p>
Crafted exclusively from 100% Moscato grapes, this enchanting wine offers a sensory journey that captivates both novice and seasoned wine enthusiasts.
Tall Horse Pinotage 750ml
Tall Horse Pinotage is a captivating red wine crafted to delight wine lovers with its unique South African character.
Made from 100% Pinotage grapes, this wine is the perfect fusion of bold flavors and eco-friendly practices.
Whether you're hosting a dinner party or enjoying a relaxed evening at home, Tall Horse Pinotage
Tall Horse Pinotage Rose 750ml
Tall Horse Pinotage Rose showcases the vibrant spirit of South Africa.
This wine begins its journey in vineyards carefully selected for their diverse habitats.
From sun-soaked southern slopes to breezy coastal vines, each grape thrives in optimal conditions.
Harvested at peak ripeness, the Pinotage grapes embody the essence of their unique terroir.
Tall Horse Sauvignon Blanc 750ml
Tall Horse Sauvignon Blanc invites you on an adventure filled with vibrant flavors and irresistible aromas.
This 100% Sauvignon Blanc hails from the diverse macro-climates of the Western Cape.
The grapes thrive in sunny southern slopes and cooler coastal regions.
These unique habitats create a wine bursting with character and complexity.
Hand-harvested at peak
Tall Horse Shiraz 750ml
Tall Horse Shiraz invites you on a journey of bold flavors and smooth textures.
Crafted entirely from 100% Shiraz grapes, this wine boasts a vibrant personality that captures the essence of the Western Cape’s diverse landscapes.
Its dense ruby hue, complemented by a bright strawberry rim, hints at the luscious blue and